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Tickets & Shelf Edge Labels

Tickets and shelf edge labels are essential components in operations, providing pricing information, product details and promotional messages directly to customers. Tickets are typically small, rectangular labels attached to individual items or displayed alongside them, while shelf edge labels are longer strips affixed to the edge of retail shelving. Both are crucial for guiding purchasing decisions, enhancing the shopping experience.


Retail Stores

Grocery Stores

Convenience Stores

Home Improvement Stores

Electronics Stores


Price Transparency: Tickets and shelf edge labels provide clear pricing information, ensuring transparency and helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Product Identification: These labels include product details such as SKU numbers, descriptions, and barcodes, facilitating inventory management and checkout processes.

Promotional Opportunities: Tickets and shelf edge labels offer prime real estate for promoting sales, discounts, and special offers, enticing customers and driving sales.

Organization and Efficiency: By clearly labelling products and organising shelves, these labels streamline operations for both customers and staff, reducing search times and minimising errors.

Branding and Aesthetics: Customised tickets and shelf edge labels reinforce brand identity and contribute to the overall aesthetics of the retail environment, enhancing the shopping experience.

01159 286421

Registered in England and Wales.

Company Number: 02194736

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